Status: Testing by members of our discord is underway!

Overall Goal: To provide a central hub for GM's and players to manage everything to do a particular RPG Campaign.

Ruleset: myRPGTool is currently based on the Star Wars FFG Role playing game, but being developed to be able to include future rulesets.
Planned Feature List
- For GM's
-- Create Charts
-- Create Stat Sheets
-- Create Full Campaign with images and text
-- Create your own species, careers, specializations and talents.
-- All descriptions loaded from your own uploaded XML files
-- Manage Players
-- Streamline NPC Creator
-- Advertise your Campaign
- For Players
-- Complete character generator.
-- Manage all your characters across multiple rulesets.
-- Free open form editing of your character sheet with rules verification
-- All descriptions loaded from your own uploaded XML files
-- Apply to join campaigns
-- Create Charts
-- Create Stat Sheets
-- Mobile Friendly